Bed Bugs Among San Francisco Taxi Complaints | California Bed Bug News

We have all had a lousy taxi driver at one time or another in our lives, but have you ever
had one that comes with bed bugs? Unfortunately some San Francisco residents and
visitors might have to answer yes to this question as among the many complaints bed
bugs was one.

bedbug contorl
The official report conducted by “The Bay Citizen” released 1,733 complaints filed to
San Francisco’s 311 complaint line from July 2011 to July 2012.  Many typical
complaints were filed such as speeding, smoking, refusing fares, sleeping on the job,
and texting, but bed bugs which is one that is not normally issue appeared in the report.
Responding to the issue, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of
Directors chairman Tom Nolan stated that the complaints are troubling and unfortunately
there are only four taxi inspectors for 1,500 taxi cabs in the city. In defense, National
Cab President Dan Hinds claims that we have safer cars and better oversight now, and
complaints today are far fewer than a decade ago.
Additionally it is important to note that Nolan has stated that San Francisco is working
on a taxi rider’s bill of rights. I just hope there is something in there about bed bug free
rides! What do you think?