Precautionary Tips During Bed Bug Season | California Bed Bug Control

Have you looked over you bed bug safety checklist lately? Probably not; but luckily the following information should be helpful for anyone in need of precautionary tips during bed bug season.

Regardless of how prepared you are, warmer weather and seasonal travel increases will always heighten the risks of one being exposed to bed bugs.  Therefore it is important to be aware of the areas you expose yourself to at all times.  Additionally be aware that while you may be traveling with your responsibilities on hold, bed bugs are potentially using the opportunity to hitchhike along with when you return home. It is also important to note that household temperatures are going to be warmer meaning also that bed bugs will be completing their life cycles slightly quicker therefore facilitating an overall increase in bedbug activity.  Thus giving more reason as to why increased bed bug awareness and control is imperative during periods of warmer weather.  Additionally, whenever bed bug activity is suspected you should always consult your local expert for inspection or treatment.

When traveling a routine mattress check is always recommended.  Specifically one should look for tiny specks along the mattress seam as well as on the box spring.  If bed bug activity is suspected ask for a new room located in a separate area of the hotel or even ask for a refund and consider staying elsewhere.  Also if you have access to a the internet on or before your vacation you could check the online bedbug registry that lists hotels where bed bugs have been detected.

When it comes to bed bugs sometimes you never can be too careful, to learn more about bed bugs and Bed Bug Control in San Diego continue following our weekly blog and join in the conversation.

Posted In: Bed Bugs